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Payment Policy

Payment Policy

Payment Policy

1. Payment Methods: Elite Treadmills accepts payment via credit/debit card, PayPal, and other secure payment methods as specified on our website. By placing an order, you agree to pay the total amount due for your purchase, including applicable taxes and shipping fees.

2. Billing Information: Customers are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date billing information, including billing address and payment details. Failure to provide accurate billing information may result in delays or cancellation of your order.

3. Order Confirmation: Upon successful payment, you will receive an order confirmation email containing details of your purchase, including the order number, items purchased, total amount charged, and shipping information. Please review the order confirmation carefully and contact us immediately if you notice any discrepancies.

6. Payment Security: Elite Treadmills takes the security of your payment information seriously and employs industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your personal and financial data. However, Elite Treadmills cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted over the internet or stored on our servers, and you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks of online transactions.

7. Billing Disputes: If you have any questions or concerns about billing, charges, or payments, please contact our customer service team at promptly for assistance. We are committed to resolving billing disputes and discrepancies in a timely and fair manner.

8. Changes to Payment Policy: Elite Treadmills reserves the right to update, modify, or change any part of this payment policy without prior notice. Any changes to the payment policy will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. By continuing to use our services after the posting of any changes, you accept and agree to the updated payment policy.

By placing an order on Elite Treadmills  you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of this payment policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about our payment policy, please contact us at